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Panther - 1 1/2 year old Black Labrador

Panther is a super sweet 1 ½ year old boy who was dumped at Paws Ranch Rescue one rainy night in an open crate. The executive director has adopted him into her family and learned that he needs knee surgery on both legs (torn ACL on one leg, and the other is starting to tear) and a hip surgery on one leg (a growth plate fracture caused on of his femurs not to grow properly, resulting in hip dysplasia). His new family has spent over $1000 to determine a diagnosis and treatment plan, and they need help! Panther is a happy boy, despite being in pain. The first surgery is estimated to be between $4500 and $5500. The rescue organization has negotiated a small discount from the vet, and is helping raise funds. Can you please help Panther and his family? Any amount will help. Please designate Panther so that all funds can go directly toward his treatment. Thank you!

PAYPAL NOTE: Please indicate this Lab's name in the "comments" field on your PayPal payment.

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